I haven't been able to get this out of my mind since I read this a few days ago. We all have longings. It seems like some longings don't ever go away. At many times, I have had longings besides God such as drinking, drugs, etc., which I filled but ultimately it didn't fill it. Longing to be there for your child when she is hurting. Longing to be accepted when you don't know a single person in the room. Then there is the never-ending longing for love. I think no matter how you look at it, we all long to feel loved whether we admit it or not. Single, married, divorced, whatever...we have an unsatiable need to feel loved. We can even be loved by many people but still have a great longing for it.
God put this desire in each of us. Wanting to know who I am, why am I here, and howcome my butt never looks good in these pants. Why did He do such a thing? So that we quit spinning our wheels and just look to Him for all those answers. He created us with the desire to know Him through His love to know His love.
I never realized just how much God has given us when we seek in His Word to each one of the things we are searching for. He supplies all our needs where everything else is temporary. I may not like the way my butt looks at the moment but He created me just the way I am for a purpose. He takes away the layers of stubborness of "I can't, to I think I can, to I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Why am I here? Lean on me and I will direct your paths. But Lord..."Shhh!"
My longing for the love of the Lord is always at the forefront and it is frustrating because I don't have a feeling of it being filled but it comforts me to know that He blesses us through those longings. I get down because I wonder "will it ever go away?" I doubt it! It now encourages me to know it may not ever go away because it keeps me going to know deeper of who He is
In His footsteps
Okay, as I am sitting here thinking and pondering on this awesome post, I glance at the picture of the monkey, and realized we looked exactly alike, that is the pose I had. I think the monkey looked better, but what are ya gonna do?
Now, serious business here. I know that longing you describe - I tend to call it a hunger which is why my butt never looks good anymore! But, I appreciate you saying that God is giving that longing so we can look to Him for the answers and draw nearer to Him. Sometimes I feel there is something wrong with me b/c I never feel "filled up" Thanks for telling me, its a gift!
Awesome post? Wow! Did you get lost on your way to Sabine's blog? LOL! Thanks Alicia, I really appreciate you sharing that with me. I am not so weird! :-)
Steph...I love your willingness to share the beauty God has place within you. I know this hunger (thanks Alicia) and some days it feels so overwhelming to my Spirit - to want to be with Him - and I get lost in the desire that I forget the purpose it serves...to bring my focus back to His eyes!
Thank you for this awesome post (thanks again Alicia)...and for just being you!
Great post! No matter what craziness surrounds you and how many things try to pull at you, keep your eyes focused on Him. He is truly all that matters and will give you the desires of your heart if we first seek His kingdom. hugs to you! :O)
Thanks Diane, for stopping by and your encouragement. I needed that. :-)
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