Thursday, September 24, 2009

God's Perfect Knowledge

I read this story this morning and I forgot that I marked it to reread tonight. duh! Anyway, wanted to share it because it is such an innocent story but with such truth to it.

Another from Elizabeth George.
A saint of another era wrote of a customer in a shop where a small boy stood with outstretched arms while the owner placed package after package from the shelves into the boy's waiting arms. As the pile grew higher and higher and the weight increased, the customer could stand it no longer. He remarked to the boy, "My lad, you'll never be able to carry all that!" Turning around the boy replied with a smile, "My father knows how much I can carry."
Such assurance and trust! Just think, your heavenly Father knows exactly how much you can carry!

This little boy had all faith knowing that his father would not give him more than he could handle. Where does my faith go sometimes? All the things that get blown out of proportion in my head and I think I can't handle it but He knows waaaaay ahead of me that I can handle it or else He would not be directing me the way I am going.

Lately, I have seen him put things to rest in my life and others after conjuring up the situation to be worse than it really is. How do I know this, what if I do this, what are they going to do if this, why do they keep doing that and if I do that are they going to be mad at me? Ye of little faith, reach your hand out to mine and let me walk with you. When I do, the peace is there and I know we have just taken a step together.

Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore, I hope in Him. Lam 3:22-24

Thank goodness I can put my head down on the pillow at night and wake up to know that He is so faithful to me and are new each day.

In His Footsteps


Kim said...

thank you Steph for posting this. and a big thanks to Sabine for making me read it. My God DOES know how much I can carry and apparently it is much more that I think I am capable of. Though I grow weary, I will not fall.

alicia said...

Hi Steph,
Thanks for joining me on my blog, and thanks for this point here today. It still amazes me that such hope can be found in Lamentations - it is meant to be a lament and yet there is hope just oozing out of it. I love how God works!
Blessings, Alicia

steph said...

You're welcome! Glad that the words I can express remind you of the hope we can find in Him. ya'll is too good! :-)