Tuesday, September 29, 2009


God is showing me more and more things about prayer. The more I pray and call out to Him, the more I can see His work in my life and desire Him more deeply within. I realize how great He is and the wondrous things He does for us in our good times and our bad times. How He strengthens me, cares for all our needs and guides us in His ways so we may experience His peace. That increases my faith and I do not want to go without talking with Him and seeing and feeling His touch in my life.

I just wanted to share this from the book I am reading. The last part of the book. No more Elizabeth George to share with you. Don't get upset, there will be another book. hehe!

When you step out and pray you guard your mind from thinking unhealthy thoughts.
When you step out and pray you're producing the cure for all your anxiety.
When you step out and pray you're acknowledging your dependence on the all-powerful God and His resources.
When you step out and pray you're being obedient to the Lord's commands.
When you step out and pray you're ready to experience the peace of God that passes all understanding.
When you step out and pray you can be sure you're on God's path through your trial!

Praying through your trials and adversity forces your roots deeper into the fertile soil of God's love and provision. That's because prayer is the way to ask God for His strength so you can withstand the storms life enevitably brings. Trials are painful, exhausting, burdensome, and bothersome (to say the least). At times you won't be sure you can carry on (isn't that for sure!). But it is during these dark times that true faith shines the brightest. Believe Jesus' promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Take courage, child of the King! And remember, you are God's child.

May we not forget that He does listen when we call to Him.
Stepping out in His footsteps


alicia said...

As much as we hate it, it is true that God does bring us closer to Him and His power is made known through our struggles. "when you step out in prayer you're acknowledging your dependence on the all-powerful God and His resources" Somedays its so hard to admit we need the help, but it does bring peace to know that we are reliant on Him.
Thanks for your words today!

steph said...

Hey Alicia..Thank you for your encouragement. :-)